Cultivate Wellness Collective

  • Owner of Naturally Well smiling

    Naturally Well

    Seek targeted relief and soothing escape at Naturally Well, where Hayley, a skilled massage therapist, crafts tailor-made sessions to specifically address her client’s concerns. A specialist in pain relief, headache taming, and deep tissue magic, Hayley tailors each session to your unique needs, coaxing out tension and awakening your well-being. Whether you yearn for relaxation or muscle-melting magic, Hayley's intuition and expertise guide you on a serene journey. Surrender to the deep strokes that melt away knots, or find soothing haven in her masterful neck massage. Embrace the quiet conversation with your body and discover your path to pain-free living and ultimate relaxation. At Naturally Well, Hayley makes your path to well-being a truly therapeutic adventure.

  • Zennah, owner of Spirits Spa Bar sitting on chair in lobby

    Spirits Spa Bar

    Unwind and imbibe wellness at Spirits Spa Bar, where every sip and touch unlocks a blissful path to rejuvenation. Crafted for the adventurous spirit, our spa blends the tranquility of massage with the playful zest of expertly curated cocktails. Dive into a menu of relaxing treatments, each designed to knead away stress and invigorate your senses. Whether you seek exfoliating body scrubs or the relieving touch of hot stones and cold facial globes, our skilled therapists are your guides on this exquisite wellness adventure. Let the rhythmic kneading and soothing aromatherapy harmonize with the invigorating scent of a signature cocktail, creating a unique sensory symphony. Your journey to a better wellbeing begins here.

  • Baylee McCollum headshot

    Baylee J Esthetics

    Embrace radiant transformation at Baylee J Esthetics, where personalized skincare artistry unlocks your skin's true potential. Baylee, a 5-year licensed Master Esthetician, brings her multi-faceted expertise to bear, weaving Sugaring, Facials, and holistic skincare into bespoke journeys tailored to each client's unique needs and aspirations. Baylee's passion for healthy, beautiful skin shines through in every personalized service. From a full spectrum of waxing options to advanced Microdermabrasion and Micro-needling, every treatment is meticulously crafted to reveal your inner radiance. Embark on a transformative journey towards flawless skin and enhanced confidence. Your path to a more luminous you begins here.